Challenges & Solutions

Challenges & Solutions

As currently envisioned, this website section will offer a reframing of what we consider to be “sector-centric” ways of approaching sustainability challenges (e.g. from an arts perspective or a science perspective or a social justice perspective or an engineering perspective, etc.) to “challenge-centric” approaches of bringing different sectors together to collaboratively solve problems, bridge gaps, and/or heal situations using the best skills, tools, resources, ways of knowing that each sector brings.

It will include a curated list of articles, websites, and case studies that we and respected colleagues find to be most helpful in speeding the shift from awareness to action through sustainability to transformation.

We anticipate this will include bringing together already existing visions, mappings, strategic frameworks, and networks for single-sector and trans-sectoral work that currently happens (mostly) in isolation and could benefit from being more strategically aligned with others along a “collaborative continuum of change.”

This section will focus especially on impact, what works, what doesn’t, what can be improved and how, to inspire people to act and live more sustainably, justly, compassionately, and joyfully.

Check back soon for updates!