Youth & Families

Youth & Families

EAC’s programming includes programs and projects. Projects often include many different activities but typically happen just one time. Often they include the commissioning of a particular artist, producing a particular event, or focused on solving a particular challenge. Programs are ongoing activities that happen every year and are based at particular places. All programs started as projects, addressing particular needs, interests, and/or opportunities. Most of our programs are co-designed with, by, and for under-served youth, adults, and/or families. All of our programs and projects are inspired and/or informed by one or more aspects of sustainability — environmental, economic, social, cultural, and/or personal.

Many of our programs are still on hold due to COVID.

This website section will soon include more information about the following past, current, and/or future programs and projects at the following locations:

Angevine Middle School – Lafayette

May–July 2020                    Artists in Nature online poetry, theatre, and songwriting project

Oct 2012 – Mar 2020      Club Mestizo after school theatre program

2012–2013                            Visual Art Workshops & Exhibits projects

Boulder Ridge Mobile Home Community – Lafayette

2016–2020                            ECO arts, natural history, outdoor education program    

2017–2019                            ECO Mural projects

2015–2018                            ECO Community Garden projects

2013–2014                            ECO: Exploring Culture and Opportunities arts, natural history, energy and water conservation project

Justice High School – Lafayette

2018 – 2020                          Ignite! program of hip hop composition/performance classes

Manhattan Middle School – Boulder

2014                                           VideoLab Program   

2012–2013                            Sustainability Mural Project

2012                                           Lichen Scavenger Hunt 

San Lazaro Mobile Home Park – Boulder

2021 – present                     Garden projects

2020 – present                     Arte & Bienestar projects

2018 – present                     Chill Spot design and construction project

2017 – present                     Youth Art + Other programs and projects

Touring Exhibits

2019                                            Green Suits

2016 July – 2018                 The Resilience Project

Current Programs & Projects


Past Programs & Projects


Artists in Nature: Online Poetry, Theatre, and Songwriting Project

Artists in Nature was a contest of original poems, songs, and raps written by Latinx students living or going to school in Lafayette, Colorado, and performed online by professional artists from across the US and abroad.

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Club Mestizo: After School Theatre Program

Club Mestizo was co-founded with Angevine Middle School teacher Maria Ramirez. Students learned about sustainability through theatre first from Su Teatro actors and later from actors with Curious Theatre’s Dee Covington.

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Visual Art Workshops & Exhibits Projects

EAC brought graffiti artist Jolt into Ms. David’s 7th and 8th grade Drawing and Painting Classes at Angevine Middle School resulting in students’ sustainability-inspired murals exhibited at the Lafayette Public Library.

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Club Mestizo: Field Trips

Description coming soon.

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ECO: Arts, Natural History, Outdoor Education Program

EAC held Saturday morning sustainability-inspired classes for kids ages 4 to 10 living at Boulder Ridge and surrounding MHCs taught by bilingual teachers originally from Mexico, Chile, Colombia, Venezuela, and the US.

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ECO: Field Trips

Description coming soon.

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ECO: Community Garden Projects

Thanks to donated land and water from Boulder Ridge, EAC co-created a garden with gardeners Celina Esekawu, Jesus [last name to come], and youth assistants including Brianna, Elizabeth, Erika, Estrella, Jasmine, Lesly, and Yose, among others.

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ECO: Arts, Natural History, Energy and Water Conservation Project

Thanks to collaborating with Boulder Ridge, Shades of Green Consulting, and Boulder County Audubon Society, EAC co-produced activities resulting in a 99% attitude and behavior change toward energy and water conservation.

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ECO: Exploring Culture and Opportunities

Description coming soon.

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